Center finding gcode for Marlin and repetier?

I made this plate on my MPCNC, fighting the middle of my big build area. First metal cut, did a great job. Mistakes were mine.

Does anyone know the code, to operate this corner finding block?

Repetier and Marlin controls?

Thanks Spike

You can use Repetier and Marlin to find your zero prior to starting the job. You’ll have to enable the G38.X gcodes in your firmware and wire up a z probe on your board.

I’ll share my numbered repetier scripts for probing x, y, and z when I’m back at the machine that I use to cut with.

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I have a z probe enabled

Latest bug fix 2.0

Skr 1.3 board

So I need to Enable 38.x in my firmware?

Then I could really use the code you have so I can assign it to a button in repetier, is that correct.

Z works great on the block, but I put a hold in it to see the center and I hoped probe from the center of it. But I can use edges on my block like you did also.

I will go start looking for where to enable my g38 codes.

Thanks for the info, and the code would be most appreciated!!


Frugal Fixer

I use these set to different printer scripts in repetier. I jog the machine around to each face of the work piece and then run each script. With your standard sized probing block you could chain all of these together instead of running each axis as its own routine. I like to keep them separate as sometimes I’m probing a part corner and other times I’m probing off of parallels to set z0.

; probe z-
g92 z0 ; set current position as temporary origin
g91 ; relative positioning
g38.2 z-20 f50 ; probe z
g92 z0 ; set current position as z0
g0 z2 f480 ; back off of work

; probe x+
g91 ; relative positioning
g38.2 x50 f100 ; probe x0 (remember to account endmill radius afterwards)
g92 x-1.58 ; set x zero and compensate for endmill diameter
g0 x-2 f1000 ; move off of work

; probe y+
g91 ; relative positioning
g38.2 y50 f100 ; probe y0 (remember to account endmill radius afterwards)
g92 y-1.58 ; set y zero and compensate for endmill diameter
g0 y-2 f1000 ; move off of work