Can anyone help me build firmware for SKR v3 board for LR3

I’m banging my head trying to figure out how to build the firmware for SKR v3 board, I would really appreciate it if you guys help me out. thanks

Since that is not a board we have precompiled firmware for you should list the exact board you have, the drivers you chose, and the screen you are using. Someone might have already done all that work for you.

Hi Ryan thanks for your reply,

Board: SKR v3
Screen: SKR tft35 e3

Gah. Did skr release another board without a sub name?

I see “SKR E3 V3”, “SKR 3 v1.0” and “SKR 3 EZ v1.0”.

The 3 and 3ez look like 5x driver boards and pretty compact options. I haven’t seen them in the forums before.

They should have called them SKR Widget 3 and we would be able to easily search for them. /rant.

I think its a variant from the turbo, i remember when i bought it i saw turbo somewhere but im not sure

You have to find the exact name. Turbo is yet another type.