BTT SKR2 Dual Endstop Firmware

here’s the current errors im getting with extruders set to 0:

All those variables have too many elements. They have 4 because they include the extruder and they should have only 3.

Comparing the MarlinBuilder releases configuration.h files for a dual version should show you all of these.

Ahhhh ok. Ive gone thru and made those changes, and it does finally build successfully. Thank you for working thru tht w me. Both sides of my z axis now have no problem homing.


Hey All, Greetings.
I am new to the BTT family and have decided to build the lowrider2 using the SKR2 and the TFT 35 e3 V3.0. I am using dvr8825 drivers with dual ends tops on the y & z. Looking through the thread I was able to compile the firmware for the board. I am getting a “no printer” error and have checked the baud settings and cables. Also I’m getting a Y2 driver is backward!! ??? Checked the drivers on E0M and it looks fine. What am I missing!! I have my extruder set to 0 as the current marlin will allow.

Please help

“No Printer Attached” is the screen saying that it’s not getting a response on the serial port.

V1 firmware expects that the RS232 UART port is set to 250000 baud. You need to ensure that the port is enable in your firmware, and what the baud rate is set to. Then you need to make sure that the screen knows it and is also set correctly.

Alternately, since the TFT firmware is sometimes a little dodgy, you can use Marlin mode, which uses the EXP1 nd EXP2 cables. In this mode the TFT emulates a RepRp Discount 12864 controller and no need for baud rates. (It does need to be set up in the firmware though.) To enter Marlin mode, press the control wheel down for 3 seconds and it should bring up a menu, with Marlin mode as a choice. This may work for you and other than as a terminal, is the preferred method for V1 machines, as it’s generally more reliable.