Atom's MPCNC build

Here is a picture of one of my corners you can see that one of the tubes is sticking out more the the other…


For the Z tubes, I made a Jig to drill the holes at the SS tubes

That link doesn’t work, but I would love tonsee the jig. Been trying to figure out the best way to get them holes cut out

at prusa print search for " MPCNC Primo J 25.4mm Z-nut trap Jig"

try this one

Don’t see anything that looks like it would help drilling the holes… I seen one hight jig but that was it

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Mark’s? Use the tube to fasten my drag chain to works well

I got my legs cleaned up, I’m planning on shimming the left one use a .8mm printed pla disk. Other than that i think they look to be pretty even and level.

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If I get 5/16" bolts that are 1.75" long rather than 1.5 will that be a problem?

specificly i’m looking at getting these bolts and these nuts

@vicious1 or @jeffeb3 what do you think?

I don’t think that will be an issue. You can change the direction they face in any cases where it might. Pretty easy to find the right size online though.

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True but that is a package of 100 for under $2 not sure where else I would get that good of a deal… though not worth the 10 dollars I would save if it doesn’t work. Thats why I wanted to be sure :slight_smile:

Have you tested your creality board? I have one too but would need to add a stepper like you did. Trying to decide if I want to go that route or just buy the skr pro

I have not, I haven’t had a spare stepper around to test it with. But I just got a few in yesterday. So I will be testing it soon (hopefully in the next 2 days)

Sooo… tests of the board. I got the firmware working and all seems well… except the 5th stepper that I added. Its possible that I cooked the driver while soldering (its been a while since I have done smd soldering) not sure If there is a way to tell other than try putting another driver on the board and giving it a go.

Yeah. Swap the drivers and see what that does.

Also for those who care the cr-10s board v2.2 is apparently the same as a ramps 1.3/1.4 board XD

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Another chip and another failure. Still couldn’t get the 5th stepper to work. Unfortunately that means I will probably end up buying a new board (im out of spare driver ics) though @ArstenA i encourage you to give it a go and would love to hear if you have any luck getting it working.

@Atom where have you been buying the stepper driver chips? I will need to get some. I will also have to try my hand at surface mounting a chip. I have done plenty of soldering but never tried surface mount.

How are you applying solder/solder paste? I will have to watch some YouTube videos. :wink:

I have a syringe with solder paste that I use. As for the drivers I was pulling them off of an ender 3 board I had but I would imagine mouser has them for sale. I’m not sure if I cooked my chips or just haven’t gotten good solder joints. My eyes aren’t so good anymore and hands tend to shake a bit… makes applying that paste not so easy :slight_smile:

So do people have a recommendation on table hight, normally I go with 40" for these kind of applications but I’m open to other ideas.


the “clearance to remove Z axis” in the calculator, is that the amount of space needed above the total machine height? i.e. if the machine is 10" tall and the clearance is 23" then i need a minimum of 33" of height in my enclosure so that i can take the Z axis off?

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