Arduino fried after connecting 5 steppers in series on ramps

Can u explain about primary and secondary feeds? Because I assume it doesn’t make a difference which among the two you power directly as they are anyways shorted.

Is there any other way except to unsolder the diode.I read somewhere that it is possible to bypass the 5v regulator using some other pins on ramps board like ps_on. Is that possible??

I think you don’t need to do that and make sure there is nothing causes the short circuit for example the heatsink

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There are 4 connections in the green screw connection. They are in pairs. He left 2 connectors are +12 and -12 volts and supply 5A on that circuit to power the ramps. The 2 on the right hand side are +12 and -12 and supply an 11A feed capability to power a heated bed and the hot end heating cartridge. Both feeds can come from the same power supply and can be branched like you have from with a tail wire from the 11A +12V to the 5A +12V connection. What I did not see on the picture was a connection bridging the -12V connections - there is just a single wire to the 5A -12. Suggestion is that you disconnect the +12V from the 11A side (right hand) or add a wire from the -12V (black) connection on the left to the -12V connection on the right. Either way this will, at least, ensure that you are not seeing a problem because of a bleed through between the 2 circuits that is causing your problems. (Just a suggestion).

The +12 have separate functions and if they are individually powered or not, different functions will work or not work, i.e. motors or heated bed.

But the “-12” are tied together and also tied to GND of the +5V, so it should have no effect to connect only one of them. It looks ‘funny’ to have only one connected but it should not hurt anything.