Alternative to Estlcam (Yes that question again)



don’t know why , but easel only G0’s x and y, never z.

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No G0 for Z. That’s cool. A few months ago, I spent some time examining the g-code out of Easel and ran a couple of test cuts on my MPCNC…enough to prove to myself that the g-code would run without modification.

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It’s incredibly easy gcode, like 3 commands total lol

If u don’t modify anything you just have to watch the shame of the slowest jog movement ever

I gave Easel a try when I first got my Lowrider going and was exploring the CAD/CAM landscape. I chose FreeCAD for most of my CAD/CAM work, but Easel does have a box making widget I really like.

Easel is made by a machine builder right? Xcarve or something? I bet they didn’t want their Z axis going too fast either :slight_smile:
