Hey there, I’m running a LR4 w/jackpot. Just got machine built and moving around. Built a 1" diameter x .25" deep pocket in Aspire 10.5 running a 1/8" endmill. Loaded up the GRBL PP and noticed there is no code for using the tool setting plate. What code and where in the PP should I put it to have it do the touch plate?
Pre-reqs: this is my first time editing an type of gcode but I’ve been reading a ton to try and learn the lingo to ask the question best I could.
Check the milling basics page. The code there will be for estlcam but you should be able to use it the same with your post processor. Assume there is a way to put in custom code. I have not tried to use aspire so I cant help you there unfortunately. Just make sure you click on the correct tab for your machine and board.
Also I just noticed you said you are using a Marlin Post Processor, but you are running the jackpot control board. Marlin is for the SKR control board. You need a GRBL/FluidNC PP
Editing post to focus on GRBL as that is confirmed my issue. Thanks J.J.
I inserted code into correct spot in script. Machine ran to where it was supposed to but failed to probe. Z limit reached after about 1"-2" of travel. Digging into that now.
Tried exactly that, it failed as mentioned. Moved to Z-500 and it had enough travel. 3/4" test material I am cutting into registered +/- Zm: -323. I am getting closer to having something working. Odd my Z is so much diff than template.
Do you have the 2 start lead screw? If so you need to adjust your steps per mm in the firmware. If not it will always think it moved farther than it did.