Accuracy VS step / mm

Yeah that was two days of stupid frantic scrambling. All of day one was…drum roll…I did not tighten the pen mount…Day two was just undoing all the stupid things I tweaked on day 1. After that for the giant rectangle all I had that was big enough was a tape measure, a bright light and pictures I could zoom in on. I almost spent a few hundred dollars on large calipers and finally came to my senses. I was more than happy with my results.

I did the same with my cuts on the LowRider…day one, loose pulley. Took forever to track down a random 1/16" discrepancy. Day two fix the pulley, perfect cuts too as good as I cared to measure.

My previous job paid me to pay attention to my designs to make for as loose as tolerances as possible. Each zero costs exponentially more. If it had to involve EDM it better had been for a medical device or it would have definitely been too expensive. The things I am getting off my machines are numbers our clients would have had to pay way to much for in a production environment. I’ll take it. That is why I was so attentive when you wanted more than 0.5mm, it is doable but in wood that number is pretty insane, and extremely difficult to measure.

Hehe. Exactly; we learn by making mistakes while having crazy goals :wink: I know I’ll probably have to lower my goals eventually, but I need to see how far I can get this. In all cases at least I’ll get the machine itself as good as it can be, this will prevent errors in setup to compound to the other potential errors that can creep in while producing a piece.

Upgrade to dual endstops went well; replaced all electronics (mini-rambo to mega+ramps) and installed makerbot endstops. Blew the 5v regulator on the mega, but who doesn’t? :stuck_out_tongue: I wanted to power the arduino from the USB, anyway, and I was already planning on removing D1 (which I did).

Alongside the ramps, there’s a passively cooled mini-itx board mainly used to run cnc.js. Love that piece of software, so far it’s working great. Everything is powered by the ATX power supply.

Turned out pretty good, I think. I haven’t started to play with it for squareness, though; I did make some light carving to test functionality.

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